Henry Schleiff, Matilda Cuomo

The urgent need to help domestic-violence survivors was on the agenda at HELP USA's 5th-annual Domestic Violence Survivors Scholarship Fund Luncheon at Tavern on the Green. This vital event raised bucks for the HELP Survivors Scholarship Fund, a program that helps survivors of domestic violence reach their educational and professional goals in order for them to regain their lives and support their families.

Police Commish Ray Kelly was introduced by ABC News correspondent Deborah Roberts with: "You're safe here with us, Commissioner Kelly"-referring to a recent beheading threat by some nutcase against Kelly. When we asked the commish about the threat, he quipped, "I get threats all the time-it's what it's all about. But today I'm wearing a spare head." Kelly, along with Thomas Scarangello, presented heroes helping the cause, including former NFL quarterback Don McPherson and Mary Ann Tighe.

Chair Maria Cuomo Cole was in the mix with mom Matilda, along with fellow attendees including Henry Schleiff, Patricia Duff, and Laurie Tisch.

One final note: Let's encourage all the wives of abusive affluent lawyers, doctors, financiers, etc. to come out of hiding and bring forward their stories as well; it's important to put a face on the struggles of upper-echelon women who suffer from a problem so often portrayed as a lower- and middle-class issue. Come forward, ladies, and help break the cycle!

Patricia Duff

Photos by Joan Jedell


All photography by Joan Jedell unless otherwise specified. All rights reserved. Reproduction without written consent from the publisher is strictly prohibited.
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E-mail: JJedell@hamptonsheet.com